Delhi is suffering from the toxic air. This polluted air is raising a big question mark on the health level of Delhi people. In India, Delhi is the most polluted city. Now, this breathing air problem is common for Delhi people. Due to pollution Delhi has smoky weather which is not good for health. Some Home Remedies for toxic air can help you. At this particular period of the year, there are many things, those are responsible for smoky weather. In this particular time interval, farmers burn their field for the growth of new corp. It may be a cause of this toxic weather. Polluted weather may cause many heart issues and premature birth. It is affecting your lungs and brain also.
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There are some home remedies to Purify the Toxic air
Eat Jaggery
Jaggary we call it gur is a basic ingredient to remove toxins from your body. It is a natural food which is full of nutrients and helps you in a purification of the lungs and respiratory system. It helps you in removing dust and polluted toxin from your body.
Ginger is a common ingredient in the Indian kitchen. It helps you in maintaining cardiovascular health and Ginger has also been found to be “modestly efficacious and reasonably safe” for treating inflammation. It helps you in reducing cancer.
Olive Oil
Olive oil contains the less smoky point.A good quality of olive oil should be used for cooking. For deep frying and hard cooking which is common in India, required a pure category of olive oil. It helps you in maintaining metabolism and bosst your immune system.
Garlic and Onion
Onion or garlic are basis ingredient for traditional medicine. Garlic may help in reviving from asthma because toxic air may cause asthma. Garlic is anti-inflammatory and asthma is an inflammatory disease.
Lemon and Amla
All the citrus fruit contain vitamin C, it helps you in maintaining the immune system and reduce the effect of air pollution.
Tulsi (Basil)
Basil leaves are easily available at home because in India we treat this plant as a goddess. It has been used in many medicines that’s why Indian culture take it as the pure plant. Tulsi water can save you from the polluted air by recovering your respiratory system.
Turmeric with milk
A glass of milk with turmeric is a medical remedy for your body.
There are some basic steps those can help your child fighting against Toxic air click here