Tag: indian people
K Rathnam: India’s Native Livestock Need Special Care
K Rathnam talks about the transformation of animal breeding in India and how his company ensures native livestock development in India.
In 2021 Most Searched personalities In India
When it comes to what people are searching for, Google has revealed their "Year in Search 2021" list, showing what people are...
Pop Up Shop Marketing Trend Gaining Traction Again?
the pop-up shop is a retail outlet a new era for retail marketing in India. pop-up shops are the miniature version of big retail stores.
What Could The Crypto Bill Mean For The People Of India?
Crypto Bill has been drafted seeking to ban all the private cryptocurrencies in India. But more importantly, the Government acknowledges the relevance and potential of the blockchain technology on which these digital currencies are based.
Chesspreneur Vinayak Wadile is Ready to Conquer the Chess World
Vinayak Wadile Founder and CEO of Chessvicky setting new goals for the industry.
No dream is too hard to...
Brown is the colour: Meenu Agarwal on colour’s evergreen and luxurious...
Meenu Agarwal, the Founder, and Director of MADS Creations, a luxury interior design company, brings to light one such everlasting trend of brown colour and explains why it never gets out of fashion.
Coal Crisis Must Stimulate India’s Commitment To Shift To Renewable Energy...
coal crisis in india should be treated as an invaluable wake-up call. India is heavily dependent on coal to meet out its energy need. Over 70% of our requirement is fulfilled by our coal-powered energy production plants
Opportunities For Investment In The Digitized Real Estate Sector On The...
Technology has crept into even the most trivial aspect of our lives. Digitization of every sector of the economy is the new...
InvITs Can Transform Both Infrastructure And Investment Sectors: Deepak Talwar
Deepak Talwar, a veteran lobbyist in India’s corporate world, sheds light on the growing popularity of InvITs.
the National...
India’s D2C Market On Its Way To Cross $100 Billion By...
Well, to say that e-commerce has taken over every single aspect of our livelihood in the last few years would be an...