Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s Story is an inspiration to start things from Zero

Acheivement Story Of Satya Nadella

The story of Achievements: Satya Nadella

Being a passionate admirer of Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella is like shooting an answer for the wonderful questions regarding success and achievements. Microsoft experienced resurrection after Satya Nadella came to chair. Since then the earnings quadrupled and the stock price has upsurge. The renascence of  Microsoft since the year 2014 has been a product of percipient comprehension, intuitive decisions, and supervised leadership.

Basic Information Of Satya Nadella


August 19, 1967

Birth Place

Hyderabad ,India


CEO Of Microsoft


Anupama Nadella


Tara Nadella ,Zain Nadella ,Divya Nadella

The achievements of Satya Nadella are countless, although some of them are mentioned below:

  • The stock price of Microsoft Corp. NASDAQ: MSFT surged from 30–40$ range to USD 100–105
  • He was revamped Windows 10 with intuitive UI and speech recognition capabilities. Much acclaimed and accepted by both users and developers all around the world.
  • Microsoft garnered love of Apple users when it announced Office for IPad.
  • Office for Android users making some of the basic versions is completely free.
  • Nadella is unflustered, calm and composed demeanor unlike ineffectual Steve Ballmer previous CEO of Microsoft.
  • Microsoft office 365 Delve was started which offers cloud-based accessibility and displays personal stuff.
  • Massive shift and major transformation towards cloud computing through the Azure
  • Acquisition of social networking company LinkedIn, which probably is the biggest acquisition ever resulted in $1.1 Billion in revenue.
  • Recently acquired Github platform, a codebase platform in anticipation of multiplying profit.

One of the greatest achievements of Satya Nadella is that he doesn’t have a tag of IIM or IIT and yet he has reached the peak of success by becoming the CEO of one of the largest software firms.

Nadella has spent more than two decades in Microsoft. In these decades, he headed quite a few most important divisions thereby knowing the organization very well. Perhaps, that made him more eligible for the position of CEO.

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