Air Taxi in India From Delhi To Gurgaon In 7 Minutes Know More

Air Taxi Delhi to Gurgoan
Technological advances create new experiences and drive the evolution of humanity. A relevant example is air taxis, which are likely to change the way we travel. An air taxi pilot project is underway, and even large-scale commercialization is still several years away....

AP SSC Results 2024 Updates: Supplementary Exams are from May 24

AP SSC Results 2024
Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education has announced the BSEAP Class 10 results. Candidates can check it from the official website, and Hindustan Times. The online score record will be shown after entering the roll number or ticket number. Enter the...

10 Reasons that Make Online Rakhi an Excellent Choice

Rakhi Delivery
Ever since the pandemic, traditional Rakhi stores have toppled to meet the demands. The share of online Rakhi sales increased to a significant 7% in 2022 from a mere 1.5% in 2018. It marks a clear indication of the growing confidence in...

Discover the leading online learning platforms of 2024

e-learning platform
In the digital age, where change propelled by digital transformation indicates the way forward, e-learning has emerged as an important driver pushing education accessibility to anyone regardless of the internet connection. However, the question here is real: what is an e-learning system...

10 Successful Startups Rejected In Shark Tank

Successful Startups rejected in Shark tank
With India’s GDP on a constant rise it is no surprise we have so many start-ups and some even go unicorn. However, these start-up are always hungry for funding, hence the need for sharks. The Indian version of Shark Tank have seen...

The Dynasty Dance: Apollo Hospital Family Tree | The Four Pillars

Apollo Hospital Family Tree
Starting with a single hospital in Chennai in 1989, Apollo has expanded into a vast array of healthcare services. It now has 74 hospitals, more than 3,800 pharmacy stores, and 200 primary healthcare centers all over India. Additionally, there is Apollo Health...

Disruption dynamo of the emerging fintech companies in India

Fintech Companies In India
emerging fintech companies in India. In this blog we have compiled our list of Indian startup companies which majority deem as a legendary enterprise.

Shashvat Nakrani: The trailblazing Tycoon and brains behind fintech BharatPe    

Shashvat Nakrani
Little do people know about the self-made Billionaire Shashvat Nakrani? The unicorn fintech BharatPe enjoys the face of Ashneer Grover but Shashvat was the original founder of the goliath enterprise. His birthplace is Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Born in 1998 he is one of...

The Rising Game of Millionaire Before 30 With Dropshipping In India

Dropshipping In India
Dropshipping in India is the emerging market nowdays. The impact and theroy of dropshipping business is rising day by day due to the hig demand of E-commerce business.

Will our children grow up to be loner? An Unanticipated Repercussion – 91% Children Feel Lonelier Now days

Loneliness In Children
As per reports 91% kids feel lonely now days and later on result in depression. Now days spending quality time with kids is vanishing due to