Coming to grips with what is today the talk of the globe – Coronavirus

question related to coronavirus

Mild, moderate, severe to lethal are some of the words that are being used to describe the deadly coronavirus that has frenzied the world in the recent times. With the number of reported illnesses skyrocketing every day, everyone has been going an extra mile – whether it is using sanitizers, washing hands frequently or donning a face mask. However, as much as you are adhering to these precautionary measures, do you have all the information you need about the disease you have been panicking so much over? What exactly is this disease? What are the symptoms?

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Coronavirus – symptoms and mode of transmission

A cousin of SARS virus, the new coronavirus is a group of viruses that occur in animals. According to the US Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, in rare cases, the virus can be transmitted from animals to humans. Originated in Wuhan, China, symptoms of coronavirus resembles that of flu.

Symptoms include

  • Upper respiratory tract illnesses
  • Runny nose, cough, sore throat
  • Headache and fever

For people who have suppressed immune system, the respiratory tract illness can be more severe like pneumonia or bronchitis.

How Coronavirus is transmitting in people?

Coming to how it is transmitted, it is generally spread from animals to humans. However, when it comes to human-to-human transmission, the disease is spread when one comes in contact with the secretion of an infected person such as droplets of cough.

If you have constantly brooded over whether or not this disease is airborne like measles, well, good news! It isn’t as per the recent studies. However, scientists have stated that the chances of being this disease airborne is “plausible”. Hence, even though there isn’t any evidence, it is for the best if you maintain distance from others especially in public places.

Can CoVID-19 be caught from a person who has no symptoms?

So far, only through coughing or sneezing is the disease said to be spread, people exhibiting none of these symptoms play a minimal role in the virus transmission. However, it is to be noted that the virus has an incubation period of 14 days (Self Quarantine ) therefore it will take time for anyone infected with it to show any symptom.

Furthermore, a recent study from China reveals that the virus may even be spread through faecal-oral route which is why it is highly advisable to refrain from using public toilets.

Medications and therapies – How do I know if one is recovered from coronavirus?

Currently, no vaccine or medication has been developed to fight off this lethal virus, you may opt for treatment procedures like IV fluids to risk dehydration or medications that can help you reduce fever or prevent respiratory diseases.

Nevertheless, various biotechnology giants are working on vaccines to find a cure. Gilead Sciences, that have devised cure against virus like SARS, MERS and Ebola is currently working with governments to provide emergency solutions. Furthermore, Abbvie is working closely with health authorities to see if lopinavir/ritonavir which is used to treat HIV, can be used as a treatment against COVID-19.

As much as the number of reported illnesses has made it to the headlines, an increasing number of patients have also been said to have recovered from it. Those people who have gotten rid of the virus have shown reduced number of symptoms. However, experts have noticed that they still have substantial weakened lung capacity, the solution to which is cardiovascular activities like swimming and running. Till now, scientists have not been able to find out whether the ‘recovered’ patients are still shedding remains of the virus or if they are still ‘infectious’ therefore it would be suggested to remain distant from a person who has been infected and has apparently recovered.

Attention For Pregnant ladies During Coronavirus Outbreak

Health experts have said that pregnant women are more susceptible to COVID-19 considering the fact that they are undergoing a lot of physiological changes. Therefore, they should adopt the same preventive actions as other people which includes washing hands regularly, using alcohol-based sanitizers, staying away from people who are sick and maintaining a healthy diet.

While a lot of information is being passed in the internet, it is to be noted that not all of them are true. A mere cough may or may not indicate COVID-19 but if it persists for long, it is advised to consult a physician and get a health check-up to ensure your safety.



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