Significance of Technology in Education

technology education

Significance of Technology in Education

Educational technology, one among the main branches of science and technology, primarily deals with the research and implementation of technologically innovative resources including teaching aids within classroom environs. Besides, it combines the theoretical aspects and practical aspects of education and its real time application in classrooms. For sure, technology is significant in education in the modern context because the world is moving forward and students must be equipped to follow the same with ease. Technology and related innovation in the field of education is evident in the change in approach by students, parents, educators, and the masterminds behind curriculum/syllabus construction. So, it is important to go through them main points proving the innate need to link technology with the current scenario of education.

Easiest and cheapest way to share information:

The usage of technology within education is the easiest and cheapest way to share information to one source to another, how? Imagine that a school complex is totally under the direct implementation of a new educational approach. Here, without seeking help from technology, it is difficult to share information from one source to another. When technology is there to help the authorities and teaching staff within a school complex, sharing and implementing new educational approach is an easier task. When books are converted into e-books and pdf files, it becomes easier for students and teaching staff. When classes are transformed into online format, teaching-learning process becomes easier and cheaper.

Equal treatment for all:

Schools in urban contexts can have easier access to resources related to teaching, like teaching aids, training and refreshment courses, and can meet basic needs in the form of smart classrooms. On the other side, schools in rural areas cannot expect this much easier access to resources. For instance, educators may not show willingness to live and work in rural areas. Within this scenario, students from rural areas may face several problems related to the quality of education. This problem can be easily dealt with the inculcation of technology in classroom instruction. To be specific, lack of resources violates the basic aim of education, i.e., equal treatment for all students in the form of value education. In simpler terms, technology can help the disadvantages schools and related students to gain access to essential resources.

Access to the future world:

Technological innovation acts as a catalyst to help humanity to move forward from irregular supply of valuable resources to equality. When a student is allowed to make use of technology as a tool or a medium to gain mastery over the subject matter of topic under discussion within classrooms. On the other side, when a student fails to gain access to the world of technological innovation, his or her scope to go beyond limits within education hinders fourfold development including curricular and extra-curricular activities. Still, digital divide, poor family condition, and related issues limit the scope of student community to be the forerunners of innovation. So, it is evident that instant access to the scenario of technology can be helpful to the field of education.

Upward mobility in the social ladder:

How can it be possible for technology to be the letter-perfect example for upward mobility for the student community, disregarding the pitfalls and drawbacks within modern education? To answer this question, one needs to realize the fact that the ultimate aim of education is to prepare an individual to be a worthy and productive citizen in future. One cannot prove that modern mode of education is with ultimate scope for a student from a lesser advantageous family. Here, one’s family background and related factors determine one’s scope of upward mobility in the social ladder of society. If a student’s parents are well educated and with enough money to spend on educational purposes, society can expect more from that student. On the other side, if a student’s parents are poor and with less or no economic backup, one cannot predict excellent curricular and extra-curricular performance from that student. There must be exceptional cases, but in general, family circumstance deeply influences a student’s performance. Within this context, technology can link the student with education because it can help a student to make use of valuable resources with ease.

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Technology as a factor of motivation:

One can easily identify the fact that motivation plays a pivotal role in a child’s development. When this idea is superimposed into the scenario of education, it is evident that instant and unrestricted access to data and information motivates a student from different sides. When attractive teaching aids are used in classrooms, students get motivated because there must be something interesting to grab and sustain their span of attention. Besides, teachers can depend upon technology to have an eye upon students’ performance. If some faults are identified, it is easier to rectify the same in the form of remedial teaching. Again, there is an interesting fact that technology can be used for remedial teaching also! For instance, the teacher can inform students to attend online classes or go through/listen to classes in the form of audio/video.

Proper socialization for students:

From a different angle of view, proper socialization is important for a student because mere academic excellence cannot ensure success in the future. Besides, proper socialization can help a student to be cordial with peers in the form of cohesion or ‘we are feeling’. Students are expected to be with a less selfish attitude because learning is a group activity. Group activities like best essay writing competition.  Unless the process of teaching-learning will become that much boring that even teachers feel the same as a burden and lose interest in teaching. Then, how can technology motivate students to socialize with others? Teachers can make use of different audio-visual aids and motivate students to get involved in group activities. Basically, students are deeply interested in group activities involving games. Teachers can link technology and group activities with the help of lesson plans and the same can be easily implemented in classrooms. So, technology in education can help students to be cordial with others and can help them to socialize in a proper manner.


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