Making up your mind to become a freelancer puts you in a market with a whopping number of opportunities countered by intense competition. When you are a freelancer, you’ll have to strive through established brands and other freelancers to earn clients.
You need to be outstanding, unique with the efforts you put and the delivery of these should gain the attention of clients. We are here to provide you with some basic and advanced tips to win clients in the competitive market and sprout your freelance business.
Referrals – A boon to the freelancer
Word of mouth and referrals are the two sides of the same coin. As a freelancer, start with making use of the friend and relations circle who will refer you to the people who want to get a job done under your expertise.
Earning a couple of clients in this manner will wear off quickly, so build a client base by making sure your previous clients are completely satisfied with the job and refer you to others.
Take overwhelming care of your current clients
A healthy interaction is key to build a great relationship with the client. You need to take care of all your clients and their satisfaction may get you more clients.
At the same time, a bad or negative review from any client will 2X worsen the existing client base. Always remember that a simple ‘NO’ is better than providing a dissatisfying or disappointing service.
The perks of co-working
Co-working spaces are a great place to find new clients instantly. You’ll see a lot of like-minded people, most of them freelancers, who may need your assistance to get a job done.
Again communication and healthy interaction is the key here. Seek help if you need and at the same time be prepared to take up the job on your way, that matches your expertise.
Establishing a Partnership base
Being a freelancer doesn’t mean you are not open to forming partnerships. It can be another person of the same area of expertise, a shop, or a seller associated with the job you do.
Partnerships can be a great source of clients when you find the right partners.
Going Online: A portal to a Global Client Base
A never-ending source of jobs and clients. All you need to possess is a set of skills, good communication, and a social profile that attracts your clients. The following sources can be a game-changer one for the freelancer in you:
- Online Job Platforms: A great number of job platforms are available online with thousands of jobs and clients who want to hire freelancers. Platforms like Freelancer, Upwork, FreeUp, FlexJobs, etc are some great sites you may want to checkout.
- Facebook: The biggest social media platform, with billions of active users, has a bunch of dynamic groups for clients who are in search of an appropriate expert freelancer.
- Other Social Media: Other social media platforms like Instagram, work as a hiring ground for freelancers.
- Blogs and Podcasts: If you are owning a blog or a podcast channel and you are having a good number of audience, make good use of it to earn clients. Use these platforms to talk about your skills and quality of your work at an affordable price range, the odds are high that you may hit the right person at the right time.
The benefits of Old School Online Marketing
Even if it’s a decade-old strategy, it’s one of the most effective methods of promotion in the current scenario. You can use the following online platforms to promote your freelance business to get new clients.
- Pure advertising: Google, the biggest search engine offers you the feature of advertising through GoogleAds. The reach is unbelievably high and it’s a worthy investment when you are trying to go big.
- Social Media Promotions: Not just google, Facebook, Instagram, and other popular social media platforms too provides you with advertising options. All you need to do is create great content, short and sweet, that’ll win you more prospective clients.
- An Email list: This is what an old school online marketing technique looks like. Make use of the email list you’ve created so far to send some engaging and appealing emails that’ll literally flatter your prospective clients.
- Attractive bunch of Business Cards: This extremely old school, but an effective professional method of winning clients. You can share them with your clients, public places like coffeehouses, co-working spaces, etc.
Here are some more tips to Win Clients as a Freelancer
- Getting yourselves registered with some local communities and associations is a great move to build a potential client base. It’ll create a chain of networks, build relationships that’ll earn you more clients.
- Making yourself visible and popular on social media platforms and in public works like magic. You can offer to deliver a speech at any event, in your locality or any such kind of activities which will make people recognize you.
- Webinars are the Gen Z digital seminars. You can make use of a webinar platform to host a session. Make sure you promote the session all over the social media and create an appealing content that engages the audience.
- Last but not the least, you can always use a follow-up plan to get a shot at your old clients, reaching out to some old friends and acquaintances.
The Client Hotspots: Where can I find some?
As a freelancer, you can make use of events like seminars, conferences, workshops, paper presentation events, and other similar kinds of ceremonies in your area of expertise. It can be even virtual ones, which are conducted online.
The most important thing here is you should communicate a lot, interact with people, and make them like you. Work on your charm, your public appearance, and talk to the point. Persuasion is an important key to win more clients and as a freelancer, you’ll eventually run out of business if you aren’t good at any of these.