How Google 3D Animal Animation Feature will help you to engage kids during lockdown?

google 3d animal animation
google 3d animal animation

Google has announced ‘a new feature of the 3D animal feature on the search. Google 3D animal feature is good for engaging children during the lockdown. As we all know, due to lockdown, children can’t go outside to play. Google has created 3d holograms of animals, especially wild animals. With the help of this, you can easily engage your child in indoor activities.

How to find Google 3D animal features?

Step 1 : Search for wild animals on the phone on google.

For example search for “Tiger “

Step 2 : Slide down, you will see a picture of a tiger with the description, and on the left-hand side, there is an option to watch in 3D. Click here

Google 3d animation feature

Step 3 : A window will open with the image of the tiger to ask permission. Allow access to the phone and camera.

Google 3d animal feature

Step 4 :Keep your phone in your hand and tilt it towards the ground area.

Google 3d animal animation

Step 5 :You can see a live animal in your house with the audio sound.

Google 3d animal animation

Click the photos and engage your kid in the activity.Here are the following animals you can try on google 3D animal features.

  • Alligator
  • Angler fish
  • Brown bear
  • Cat
  • Cheetah
  • Dog
    • Labrador Retriever
    • Pug
    • Rottweiler
  • Duck
  • Eagle
  • Emperor penguin
  • Giant panda
  • Goat
  • Hedgehog
  • Horse
  • Lion
  • Macaw
  • Octopus
  • Racoon
  • Shark
  • Shetland pony
  • Snake
  • Tiger
  • Turtle
  • Wolf

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